What do you think of when you hear the term "princess?" What about a self-rescuing princess?
Last week, to commemorate the new (renamed) version of my etsy store, I decided to create a Self-Rescuing Princess treasury. I made the mistake of searching for "princess" items. Wow! There is a lot of princess stuff out there. And, sadly, most of it perpetuates the damsel in distress or diva aspects of princesshood. There are plenty of "Daddy's little princess!" signs. And "Princess Bitch" items. And far, far too much pink (and I like pink). And, of course, lots of the different versions of the Disney princess ideal.
SRPS is not about that kind of princess.
The name "Self Rescuing Princess Society" came into being last summer, and originally consisted of three of us.
None of us would consider ourselves as weak. We're certainly not divas. And though we may occasionally hold court, we're not (drama) queens. But we are regal. And we've all had to pull ourselves out of tough situations, effectively rescuing ourselves -- one was going through a medium-ly challenging divorce, another was going through a really dreadful divorce, and one had just turned 40, and quit her job to go back to school. And we all believe in the power of the tiara. It's like bling that empowers.
In the beginning, there was only one tiara. And it got passed around to whomever needed it. But that tiara went missing. (It's still missing, strangely.) In the spring, when the person to whom that tiara belonged replaced it, she also bought one for the other two.
Later in the summer, when planning to attend the twice-annual gaming convention PAX, we had the idea of dressing up in our tiaras as a kind of self-rescuing princess cosplay for one of the days. The concept of a self-rescuing princess has been around in the gaming community for a while, and we figured we would receive a warm reception. And that's when the term "Self Rescuing Princess Society" was born.
A couple of weeks ago, I started this blog with the goal of opening up membership in the SRPS to a wider audience, and creating a place where we can celebrate our awesomeness. Are you a self-rescuing princess? Care to join us?
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