Friday, May 13, 2011

The Happy Birthday Monster

Today was International Monster's Day. It was also my sister's birthday. So, I thought it would be fun to make a monster in her honor. The idea was to make a monster and photograph it having tea and cakes. But that's not how we play it at our house. My monsters don't drink tea. They drink tequila. And although I like cake, we didn't have any, so I went with all-natural jelly beans.

When I asked my sister what she wanted me to do for her monster, she said, "hippy dippy." So that's where I started.  Sadly, I got too busy with other stuff this week (stupid Spanish test!) and only got it half finished. Really, this was intended to be a reversible monster, and I have grand plans for what the other side will be like. But I thought I'd share it with you all anyway. I'll post again when I get it fully finished.

I started by gathering the items I thought might work well.

I found this great fabric at one of my thrift store stops. It's not very big. I think it was originally a child's pillow case. But it's big enough for the monster!

I included eyes made from some crazy buttons I leftover from another project a while ago: orange with pink polka dots.

And some beaded earrings that came in a grab bag of beads.

And these adorable mylar butterflies from the confetti a friend sent in a birthday card a couple of years ago.

The arms are made from Mardi Gras beads.

The legs are the loops from the bathrobe that got turned into the Cthulhu blanket, combined with some jingle bells.

The hair is from an old pompon that came from the Grease Sing-A-Long I went to with a dear friend a couple of years ago.

All in all, I'm happy with how this part of the monster turned out. I might add a few more knick-knacks and doodads in the next week or so, but nothing big. But for now, I'm calling her done!

Happy Birthday Rebecca! I love you!

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