Monday, January 6, 2014

Kickstart This!

Here's a selection of wonderful Kickstarter projects that deserve some attention!

If you're like me, you think there needs to be more women in SF/F. That's what makes anthologies like Athena's Daughters so important.
Athena’s Daughters is a collection of diverse and engaging science fiction and fantasy stories (clocking in right around 100,000 words with more to come when we reach our stretch goals!) with one unifying theme: all of the protagonists are strong women that exhibit a wide range of physical attributes and abilities. And by strong we don't necessarily mean physical strength (though we have those characters too), but ALL kinds of strength. The strength to stand up for what you know is right, the strength to make an unpopular decision, the strength to be a calming voice in a contentious situation. ALL forms of strength.

I have to be honest and say that I haven't really thought much about the cigar business. I know people who smoke cigars, and while most of them are men, there are a few women who smoke as well. And no, not just Starbuck. Which is why I find this documentary really interesting. Hijas de las Hojas / Daughters of the Leaf will tell the story of women who are working to break into the cigar industry.
There are not many industries that are more male-centric than that of cigars, yet in the recent past there has been a growing subculture of women cigar smokers as well as an influx of women in power positions at many new and old cigar companies. When many nonsmokers think of cigars they think the old the boys network, men in suits sitting in an office filled with smoke. Our goal is to introduce these women who are breaking stereotypes while shattering the glass ceiling on their way.

If you have young girls in your life, you already know that stores are filled with clothing with all kinds of terrible messages. Not to mention the overwhelming pink and purple-ness. Silver Heart Apparel is working to change that.
I was inspired to create a line of t-shirts that women and girls could wear proudly. Something that would enforce the positivity that we want reflected without reinforcing stereotypes or highlighting the lack of modern day role models taking up the limelight. The goal is simply to create a movement, open dialogue, while raising awareness in support of organizations benefiting and uplifting girls and women around the globe.

I think we often forget that the gains women have made in sports have mainly been accomplished in the last 50 years or so. And as far as professional sports go, golf is one of the worst in terms of women's involvement. The Founders wants to tell the stories of the 13 women who broke the professional barrier and their lives and struggles to gain recognition for their ability and love of the game.
In 1950, thirteen women defied convention for the love of a game that most said had no place for them. Their decision to go pro was met not with fanfare, but derision; yet it proved to be a defining moment in women's and sports history. With the creation of the Ladies Professional Golf Association, The Founders courageously broke barriers in a sport long dominated by men and forged a path for future female golfers to be celebrated and taken seriously. This film seeks to honor that legacy by making known the personal and collective sacrifices of The Founders as they worked to ensure women had a lasting place on the green. Sacrifices that, until now, have been left largely untold.

As a sport, skiing has been somewhat more inclusive of women. But while women are quite common on the slopes, whether its the Bunny Hill or the Olympics, they do not get anywhere near the same amount of screen time in the annual ski films. Pretty Faces wants to give kickass women skiers a chance to show off their skills and find inspiration on the big screen.
Although skiing is the focus of the film, we hope to showcase women’s on-hill success--from professional skiers to recreational enthusiasts--to inspire girls of all ages to pursue their dreams, walk the path less traveled, and reach their fullest potential, whatever path they choose.

I'm glad that women's sexuality is getting more positive attention from not feminists/womanists, but also from the general public. How can we be whole people if we are not in touch with our own desires? The Goddess Within promises to explore the aspects of female sexuality that deserve more attention.
The Goddess Within is a debut documentary project by Photographer Jennifer Ilene Perry. It is an in-depth interview on one of the most controversial topics female sexuality. It will explore historical and modern day views on the topic. Will have interviews with women from diverse cultures and sexual preferences. Will shed light on the shame and oppression throughout history and today, as well as the pleasure and ecstasy achieved during the natural and amazing sexual experience.

Finally, here's a great project to inspire you on whatever journey you undertake. Go West, Young Woman is the story of two young women seeking adventure and do some self-discover.
A book of photography & written word: follow the journey of two young women from rural Wisconsin to the Pacific Northwest. After two years of planning and saving, we finally have the opportunity to break free from our small hometown and travel across the country to experience different landscapes, taste ethnic cuisine, & feel the pulse of a new culture. We will not only be living the length of our lives, but the depth as well. Go West, Young Woman will be a great gift for a friend, a daughter, a granddaughter, or anyone in your life who you want to inspire to travel, or it will be great addition to your own library.

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