Wednesday, July 30, 2014

Kickstart This!

Here's this week's list of super fantastic SRPS-approved Kickstart projects that deserve some extra attention!

Julie Beryl Olsen has written and illustrated Sucker-Punching Anorexia, a picture book about understanding eating disorders and how to beat them. As a recovered teenager herself, she's perfectly positioned to reach out to other sufferers, and speak the language they'll understand, as well as help family and friends looking for ways to help ED victims in their lives.
This book will use art, honesty, poetry, and humor to bash stereotypes, give readers an in-depth look at what it's like to have an eating disorder, explain symptoms, and provide advice on how to sucker-punch that monster on your shoulder.

We're two crazy Texas girls trying to make it to Canada for Shambhala, which is one of the most epic festivals of the summer. We've both been approved for press passes, but we need a little love to make it there without panhandling/hitch-hiking. $400 will at least cover the cost of gas on the way up there.
I know there are lots of wacky projects on Kickstarter, and I don't usually even think about considering most of them. But there's just something about this that I find kinda fun and adventurous. I don't know anything about these two young women, Maranda and Jacki, but I have to hand it to them: they're just quirky enough to get my attention.

Tara Abbamondi is a comic artist who wants to create a comic travelogue about her journey to Ireland to do further research into her ancestry. What's a comic travelogue, you ask? Good question.
For those that may not know what a comic travelogue is, it’s essentially a comic documentation of a trip taken for various reasons. Since I started drawing comics, I’ve been in love with the idea of travelogues. The idea of “tagging along” on someone’s journey of self-discovery as they travel to places they’ve never been, and sharing, in a sense, all those new experiences with them.

Kei Everet is "just a strange little creature that works freelance as an artist across the web (who) enjoys fancy beers, old cartoons and dead things." She's done the crowd-funding thing before for her Prehistoric Sticker Set, and now she's back working on Skull Creatures -- stickers again, and also buttons, magnets, postcards and charms, all with cute and gory images featuring, you guessed it: skulls.

I keep hearing from you all about The Switch, and I had to keep saying, "It's coming on a future Kickstart This! post." Well... it's finally THAT post! If you haven't already put in your contribution, please, please consider doing so! It's already funding, but their stretch goals are just as awesome, and just as important.

Help us tear down the socially-constructed walls that limit trans actors and creators from telling our own stories and representing ourselves in TV and film.
Yes! Having the opportunity and platform to tell our own stories and finding representation in TV and film is something I think we can all get behind!

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