Wednesday, October 8, 2014

Kickstart This!

Here is it! Your weekly list of excellent crowd-funding projects that need some extra attention!

Sanara: Journey to Terracana is the story of a seemingly ordinary teenager visited by a magical creature who reveals her legacy and, ultimately, her destiny.
The basic story is this: Sarah finds out that she has a secret gift. She has the ability to heal magical creatures! She is told by a Terracanian warrior who comes to visit her incognito, that this unique talent is desperately needed in the magical world because the sanara (magical healers) are disappearing. Sarah must journey with him and his team to Terracana not only to help the people there, but also to rescue her missing uncle who is being held by the wicked Naught and his men.

Unlawful Good: An Anthology of Crime features the talents 35+ creators in a crime themed collection of comics. I can't quite tell exactly how many women are involved, but at first glance it looks like a pretty good percentage.
A 160+ FULL COLOR paged collection of original crime-themed stories, featuring some of the greatest under the radar creators in comics! UNLAWFUL GOOD contains over 16 all-new, original crime-themed stories, an introduction by comic journalist and UNLAWFUL GOOD editor, HEATHER ANTOS, and a criminally enticing feature on the history of crime in comics, by comic book historian and Lady Batman herself, JOE KRAWEC!

Women are leaving the traditional workforce in record numbers and are heading to farms and ranches at a record pace. In the United States alone there are over 300,000 female farmers. Golden Girls is documentary sharing the stories of California's new breed of female farmers.
Our film follows female farmers all located in California. They farm with their families. They are wives, mothers, daughters, artists, authors, lawyers, political leaders, and business women. They stand on proud and equal footing with the land as they look to the first quarter of the 21st century as the watershed for responsible agriculture. Seven days a week, in every season, they work in continual partnership and respect with the animals they raise.

Our film will unfold through the narratives of the women we highlight. Their stories will convey the universal themes of the contemporary farmer/rancher. It is through their eyes that we frame the message: it is a rewarding life, a life worth celebrating in complete harmony with all living things.

The Hive by Karen Renee is a full-color comic series-turned-graphic novel following Denim and her friends through both realms -- the real world and the dreamworld -- as a secret organization and their twisted plot to expand the human mind through experiments, and the Shadow schemes to completely destroy dream-weaving and darken the minds of humanity forever.
As one of the former experimental subjects of the Hive and a solemn survivor of years of experiments, Denim is an amnesiac, always searching for pieces of her past. With the help of her friend, Father Jeffrey, she has settled in a local carnival as a dream-reader.

Unfortunately, her former captors have started persecuting her again, directed by their hundred-year captive, Angel, an unexplainable being that never eats or drinks, never sleeps or speaks or breathes, but “exists anyway.” Yet, suddenly, Angel won’t stop screaming.
Fall Seven Times, Get up Eight is the joint project of three daughters to tell the stories of their Japanese "war bride" mothers.
Starting with an interest in our mothers' stories, we began interviewing other Japanese war brides across the country and found threads of our mothers' lives in all of them. Strong, Japanese and yet not Japanese, now with deep roots in this country. We begin by telling the story of one war bride, Kathryn's mother. Hiroko Tolbert, 83 years old, has lived for more than 60 years on the outskirts of Elmira, N.Y. Her volatile marriage to Samuel was foreshadowed before they even got home. Over his angry protests, she insisted on arriving at his parents' muddy, rundown chicken farm wearing her kimono, her most beautiful piece of clothing. She could see her in-laws' discomfort, she says, in their silence about her outfit. She quietly went upstairs and changed into Western clothes.

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