Sunday, February 22, 2015

She's Crafty - Star Wars Edition

I understand the middle and eastern parts of the US are still looking more like Hoth than anyone would like. I've gathered some geeky Star Wars-themed crafts to help you keep warm.

I love geeky cross stitch! And this one is super awesome. Thanks to Meredith Cait at HardCoreStitchCorps you can make your very own Bless This House - Mos Isley Edition for your very own wretched hive lovely home.

But, in case you really need to venture out into the cold, you can keep your hands warm in these adorable Chewie Mittens, thanks to Therese Sharp for sharing her design on Ravelry. In fact, you really should go check out her collection of knitwear designs. So many awesome geeky things to keep your hands busy and warm!

If your ventures out into the cold take you to your favorite coffee shop, you'll be set with this adorable little R2D2 Cozy from Twinkie Chan!

To help you keep warm when you get back home, how about this great Star Wars Afghan by devilduck on Craftster. The amount of detail in each section is amazing! I especially love the fuzzy yarn used for Chewbacca's face! It's so much nicer than wrapping yourself a dead tauntaun, right?

"That's no throw pillow." The perfect companion for that awesome Star Wars afghan is this really cool Death Star Crochet Cushion by Patricia over at Pops de Milk. Check out her instructional video for tips on making your own!

Or, if you're like me and prefer to get warm in a tub full of hot water, this Death Star Bath Bomb by Vanessa Smith at Veelightful is just the thing to blast away the cold! Check out her shop for all kinds of great and geeky bath bombs and delightful lip balms!

Or if your preference is showering with the Rebel Alliance, this Mellennium Falcon Soap may be the ticket for you. Jeannie Yeung at YeungMoxey and YeungerMoxey has all kinds of deliciously wonderful soaps, perfect for cleaning up after a day of looking longingly out the window while waiting for spring.

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