Friday, March 13, 2015

Follow Friday - Heroine's Bookshelf

If you've been following me on social media, you have probably noticed that I regularly share articles written by Erin Blakemore. There's a simple reason for that: she writes great stuff!

I've been following her on Facebook and Twitter for a long while. So long I can't remember when I added her on either -- probably when I first opened my account.

So I'm kinda surprised that I haven't recommended her to you all yet. Fixing that right now!

She writes. A lot. And well. About awesome things. And not just articles. She has a wonderful book, which you should also totally check out: The Heroine’s Bookshelf.
Full of beloved heroines and the remarkable writers who created them, The Heroine's Bookshelf explores how the pluck and dignity of literary characters such as Jane Eyre and Lizzy Bennet can encourage women today.

Each legendary character is paired with her central quality—Anne Shirley is associated with irrepressible "Happiness," while Scarlett O'Hara personifies "Fight"—along with insights into her author's extraordinary life. From Zora Neale Hurston to Colette, Laura Ingalls Wilder to Charlotte Brontë, Harper Lee to Alice Walker, here are authors and characters whose spirited stories are more inspiring today than ever.
So yeah... go follow her. You absolutely won't regret it!

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