Sunday, March 1, 2015

She's Crafty - Women's History Month Edition

Hurrah hurray! It's Women's History Month again! I mean, I know around here every month is the month to celebrate women throughout history, but March is an extra special time around here!

So, to kick off the celebration, how about some awesome and inspirational crafty items!

The phrase "Well behaved women seldom make history," which I heard often in my childhood, first appeared in an academic paper written by Laurel Thatcher Ulrich. I love this quote for two reasons: One, it reminds me to look for the women in history who were raising hell, and to place their actions in the proper context. And two, it reminds me to raise a little hell now and then too.

This pendant by Lisa at Lark and Juniper is a perfect way to not only remember the importance of stirring up stuff, but celebrate it too!

Myra Adele Logan was the first woman to perform open heart surgery and the first African American woman elected as a fellow of the American College of Surgeons.

You can celebrate her life and work with this really awesome pendant from Optical Studios, based on the illustration by the amazing Whitney Brown.

In fact, you should check out their entire Heroes and Inspiration line featuring all kinds of amazing women in history and science, and all illustrated by wonderful female artists!

I never really much cared for coloring books when I was a kid, but I totally want this one! Casey Landau has created these amazing coloring books celebrating the amazing women in history!

For a daily reminder of some of the awesome women who fought for our rights, how about these inspirational pins featuring many of the important women from history, like Lucy Stone, Susan B. Anthony, and Alice Paul, create by the extremely crafty Cathy S. at Yesware.

If pins aren't your thing, she also has a set of 6 magnets featuring images from the Women's Suffrage Movement.

Bessie Coleman was the first African American female pilot, and the first African American, male or female, to hold an international pilot's license. She made her living as a "barnstorming" stunt pilot, and became quite well known around the world.

To celebrate her heroics in the air and in history, you can wear this lovely necklace with her image on it created by Sarah Wood.

For something a bit more elegant, how about this Hypatia cameo by Lauren Goldberg of Auberg DesignsHypatia was a mathematician, astronomer, and philosopher in Byzantine Egypt. She was the head of the Neoplatonic school at Alexandria, where she taught philosophy and astronomy.

In fact, she has an entire line of these beautiful cameos featuring Women in STEM.

Finally, to celebrate the future women in history (hint: that's us!), how about these great Feminist Buttons by Callie Garp at Fabulously Feminist.

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