Thursday, April 2, 2015

Catching up

Sorry for the meta post, but I want to let you know why it's been so quiet around here for the last week, and what are my plans for the coming month.

Den syge pige (The Sick Girl) by Michael Ancher (1882)

I've been down with a terrible chest infection (flu?), complete with a fever, chills, extreme exhaustion, and a horrible wracking cough which brought on an incapacitating migraine. It started on Friday of last week, and while I'd say the worst day was Saturday, every day since has been a very slow improvement. Today is the first day that I actually feel closer to 'well' than to 'sick.' And I'm claiming that as a victory.

Thanks for all your well wishes on social media. I tried to make it a point to get online at lease once a day, just to check in. I'm sure there's lots I've missed in the last week, but... that's life.

So, what does that mean for this blog? Well, I'm a week behind on my posting schedule, and some of these half-written posts may have to be heavily edited or left behind as out of date. My brain is still a bit fuzzy, so it's going to be a slow process to go through everything and make a plan for moving forward.

I'll also be putting together a small survey for my Patreon folks, to get an idea of what things they'd like to see more of.

I'm also hoping to host an online hangout for later this month. I'm happy to entertain ideas for topics to cover, and dates and times for the event.

I hope you are all well, or well-enough.

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