Saturday, October 31, 2015

Quote of the Day - Juliette Gordon Low

"The work of today is the history of tomorrow, and we are its makers."

I love this quote. When I'm feeling like the work is just too hard or the results seem to be taking too long, I remind myself that history-making is a life-long process. It is my life's work to leave the world a little better off than it was when I got here. And while my individual efforts may not make much of a difference outside my circle of influence, when combined with the work of others real change will come.

Juliette Gordon Low (October 31, 1860 - January 17, 1927)

On March 12, 1912, Low gathered 18 girls to register the first troop of American Girl Guides. In 1915, the Girl Guides became Girl Scouts and Low became the first president. She stayed active until the time of her death. Her birthday, October 31, is celebrated by the Girl Scouts as "Founder's Day".

One interesting fact I just love:
She was buried in her uniform with a note in her pocket that read, "You are not only the first Girl Scout, but the best Girl Scout of them all."

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Josephine Groves Holloway - A True Girl Scout
One such devoted Girl Scout leader was Josephine Groves Holloway. In 1923, Josephine, the daughter of a Methodist minister and a recent graduate from Fisk University with a degree in sociology, was working as a social worker for the Bethlehem Center in Nashville, Tennessee, a Methodist-run family resource center serving the black community.

Shout out - Major Tammy Duckworth
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Samantha Smith, Cold War Princess
In 1982, the US and USSR were still quite deep in the cold war. It may be hard to remember now, but we were still worried about nuclear attacks. Not in the naive way the folks in the 50s and 60s were ducking under desks or building bunkers. By the late-70s and early-80s, we were pretty much aware that any nuclear attack would be the end of civilization as we know it, and survival was unlikely.

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