Saturday, January 13, 2018

Brave Margaret

Brave Margaret: An Irish Adventure
by Robert D. San Souci,‎ illustrated by Sally Wern Comport

Young Margaret has always dreamed of what adventure may lie beyond the horizon as she tends to her cattle on her farm along the sea in western Ireland. So when a handsome prince appears one day asking to buy cattle to feed his ship's crew, she strikes a bargain to sell him all her cattle if he'll agree to take her with him.

No sooner do they depart but a sea serpent attacks the ship, demanding the crew send Margaret overboard to him. Unafraid, Margaret rows out fight the monster, defeating it handily with her ax. Unfortunately, the dying creature's death throes send the ship out to sea and Margaret is a castaway on strange shore where she meets an old woman with a new quest to fight a dragon. When her prince fails, it's up to Margaret to save him, and herself.

Robert D. San Souci's tale revives the old Irish story of Margaret and Simon, with healthy heaping of adventure and bravery, and just enough romance. The illustrations by Sally Wern Comport are vibrant and full of energy. I found myself going back to look at them long after I'd finished the story, captivated by their intensity. It's rare that I'd want to own artwork based on a picture book, but in this case I would love a series showing Margaret showing off her strength and power.

Brave Margaret: An Irish Adventure (Amazon / Library) earned the Self-Rescuing Princess Society seal of approval for its tale of a brave young woman who pursues her dream and then fights against any foes who try to take it from her. It's a great book for early readers who love stories of adventure and bravery, as well as an excellent storytime choice for younger children.

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