by Robert D. San Souci, illustrated by Jamichael Henterly
This is an excellent introduction to the legend of Guinevere as a young woman whose bravery saves her family and sets the stage for the future of Camelot.
Guinevere refused to stay locked up in her father's castle. She much preferred to roam the forest nearby, taking in the sights and sounds, learning about the animals, and exploring. It was her knowledge of the woods that saved them when a foreign army attacked them. The road out was blocked by the troops building siege engines, preparing to take the castle. Brave Guinevere was able to sneak around, through the wild wood where she fought a deadly beast, and find her way to King Arthur, requesting his aid to defend her home.
Young Guinevere (Amazon / Library) earned the Self-Rescuing Princess Society seal of approval for telling the story of this confident and courageous girl whose story is too often left out of the Camelot tales, or who is only remembered for her later story of betrayal and loss. Here we see her as a fresh-faced, daring young woman who knows her own capabilities and is willing to risk her own life to save the lives of others.
Robert D. San Souci brings his incredible story-telling skills to this often-forgotten part of the Camelot legend. The beautiful illustrations by Jamichael Henterly are reminiscent of the illustrated manuscripts of the British Isles from the middle ages, and perfectly capture the magical nature of the story and its characters. This book is an excellent choice for middle grade readers who crave adventure and heroic tales.
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