Friday, January 6, 2012

Weekly Wrap-Up

Here's a couple of the interesting things that have come across my screen over the last week or so.

One of my Google+ friends has a self-published book that looks quite intriguing: Pride and Prejudice and Curling Rocks. The Pride and Prejudice part caught my eye, and knowing a little about Andy's love of curling, I just had to buy a copy for my Kindle. I haven't had a chance to read it yet, because I'm so busy with all the books for my various book clubs. But I fully intend to read it soon!

Speaking of book clubs, as though I'm not bad enough about reading the entire book for my monthly in-person book club, I joined two online book clubs!

The first is the Women's Adventure Magazine book club. The current read is Becoming Odyssa: Adventures on the Appalachian Trail, by Jennifer Pharr Davis. So far, it's an enjoyable read, and I'm already jonesing for a backpacking trip this summer.

The other online book club is the Geek Girls Book Club. The first book is Ready Player One, by Ernest Cline, which should be quite entertaining. The Prince listened to the audio book last month and I heard him laughing out loud quite often.

Need something to entertain AND rock you? Check out's collection of 10 Women Who Rock Comedy.

LiveScience. com tells how 18th Century French female botanist, Jeanne Baret, was recently honored with the naming of a plant similar to one she discovered while traveling the world on a research vessel while posing as a man. had a great story about the first rollercoaster, supposedly invented by the ultimate Self-Rescuing Princess Queen, Catherine the Great.

Did you know that there's such a thing as a Christmas Witch? Yeah, and she's cool! She comes to your house, cleans up, and leaves you a treat in your shoe!

And finally, I wanted to give a shout out to any of our princesses who are struggling with depression. You're not alone. We all have to fight that demon at times. I myself am just starting to come out of a dark hole myself. So it was really inspirational to read The Bloggess' posts this week, starting with her birthday post about her present to herself. I want a copy of that print myself.

I hope you all had a wonderful holiday season. Or at least a bearable one. I'm looking forward to lots of great things for this blog in 2012. I hope you'll stick around.


  1. Thanks for the mention and I really hope you enjoy the book. :)

  2. Hi Princess! Good concept!I'm a self confessed non recovering laugh-a-holic. :)

  3. I'm reading Ready Player One for GGBC right now, too! I'm 60% through and am super in love. Wil Wheaton does that narration for the audiobook, so I bet it was particularly great as an audiobook (I've heard this from several people).

    That Catherine the Great article is cool!
